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Full Version: [GET][Codecanyon]Facebook Campaigner v2.2 – Facebook AutoPoster
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(06-06-2016 05:27 AM)saintjohnny Wrote: [ -> ]Will u get ban using auto poster?Facebook is very strict about this.Is it worth risking your facebook account?

Facebook is strict on contents, not how they are posted.. and they will remind you if you are violating their tos and will give you a chance
Still working great! Thanks a lot.

Here a mirror:
Great share!! You're awesome mate! Perfect 10 hope you keep doing update in the future..Thanks! Rep+
Reup please
reup please
Hello everyone, guy I am having an error in fetching groups
error message here:
Error Code: 12
Type: OAuthException
Message: (#12) Deprecates {user-id}/admined_groups, use {user-id}/groups instead. {user-id}/admined_groups is deprecated for versions v2.8 and higher
Please share how you get yours working.
Okay, I have another issue with the script and I got this while I was searching for help.
you may want to check this link if you are having some problem with the script. Thanks
Thx for a great share! Very nice! Reps added.
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