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Full Version: [GET] Advertising platform - Teaser PHP
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Hi guys.
This is a advertising platform script (language russian)
Demo Here
Download here
I found it on internet and its work.
god bless you

please tell me where can I find the file of language ?
(03-02-2016 12:01 AM)wazeer Wrote: [ -> ]god bless you

please tell me where can I find the file of language ?

Hi, this script dont have language folder, u would to find texts in files and change it.
oh my god ,, it will take loooong time :(
Translation from Russian to English, $20.
this forum for the free scripts and share ,, if you don't want to help ,, please no need to make offers

(03-02-2016 03:48 AM)savaskampas Wrote: [ -> ] there is your 20 dollars omg

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