Here's the profit dashboard product pdf only, but not the video's.
It's Lance Tomawhateverthef***lastname and Robert Plank, about
really cranking out on the Fiverr site for gigs and making money in
your underwear somewhere on a beach parked in your Ferrari.
251 pages. Makes a nice read while sitting on the toilet.
Wow! Every single link now goes to a 404 error page. I would love to have this because not long ago I got stiffed by them for a 97$ product and they got pissed because I went to Paypal and got refunded because they were out of town and after a week I couldn't wait any longer.
If you have this still available, can you please re-up? All available links now show a 404 page.
Thanks, originall, for the mirrors. I've just tried the mirror creator link and am still getting 404 pages everytime I try. Now I'm beginning to think there could be a bug or some kind on my computer. I haven't been able to download a file for the last 10 minutes!
Can someone else chime in if they're able to get a download from originall's links? I only tried the first one (
I've repped you maximum for providing mirrors.
UPDATE!! I was able to download the file from the 2nd link (mirrorupload) using the Zippyshare link. So all is well. No bugs on my computer! Thanks again, originall!
@Telus: I also max repped you for the share in the first place. Thanks!
Thanks a lot for the share Telus + rep!
Threat was detected when I used the first link that ((originall)) shared.

WTF happened? I took the pdf, zipped it up and uploaded to mirror creator. I
check the link produced and it worked. Freakin' odd.
Anyway, sorry guys, here's a freshly made link. Let me know how it turns out for you.
I also updated the original post link.
No links work. Please reup, if possible. Bless all.