This is to inform all those who spend a lot of their money on Fiverr, Seoclerk etc for the sake of purchasing well written and Copyscape pass articles. If you read their content you find it readable and 100% Copyscape pass. But if you copy the content and put it into google translator and try to translate it into any language, it will just translate a few words and remaining will stay in English only.
I am telling about this because I already suffered this.
To get details:
not good but how these articles are fake when articles are Copyscape pass articles?
Let's get real...most all of these bogus "blog" articles are junk. I don't read don't read them, no one reads them and even google avoids them now
Just as desperate stupid people ruined Kindle books so have they ruined much of the concept of "blogs". Yes, there are still some good blogs out there - carefully written, cultivated , and "tended" by people with a passion for a subject
Then there are blogs where some kid in some other part of the world decided that the niche of a young usa soccer mom was cool..or a niche of a middle aged woman who likes candles and they spin out endless trite stupid articles ....yawn.
I can look at a blog (or website) and tell if it is "real" or if it is some "spin" bs
I especially enjoy looking at websites here in Florida that were designed in India or Ukraine and have pictures of brick houses, falling leaves, people in coats and boots.
My favorite was a site some guy overseas made for a lady who is a dog walker/sitter...huge hero image...a lady walking a pooch wearing a coat, boats, and the tree leaves were gold and purple, falling leaves...lovely fall picture...except where I live we do not have much seasons, no autumn , n coat,no faling leaves LOL. I fixed it for her (Palm trees and sandals haha)
I feel the same way about these fake stupid "writing" posts. IMHO - find a subject YOU care about
write original content
stop listening to the bs of the cookiecutter cone wannabes
About half of the articles I order from fiverr are like that. I use the following site for a quick check for unicode: