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Full Version: [Req] Funnel Scripts - Russell Brunson
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this should be an awesome product....bump!
(02-19-2017 11:26 PM)melfx Wrote: [ -> ]

Got this link from the webinar screen, shows the blueprint map of the scripts. Its useless by its own but gives a good overview summary.

Perfect 10 Perfect 10
Can someone send me the original downloadable wizards?

I can crack them. I just need the original (standalone wizards - not the web scripts) for mac (dmg) and pc (exe). For example the "Perfect Webinar Wizard" etc. If you know someone who has access to funnel scripts (or if YOU have funnel scripts) please send the files my way... ....
Bump for this!
The mega link is no longer working :/
Bump for more, can the OP post it again? Thanks mate!
post WHAT? The webinar?

The mega link was just the webinar which you can get off youtube OR you can just signup to their original webinar page and watch the latest pitch version ...

See if we can find the downloadable wizards (for mac and pc), ask someone who has bought funnelscripts and I can fix them
BUMP This!!
bump for this
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