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Mailpoet 3 Finaly is out Happydance
(09-21-2017 07:29 AM)BigDaddy Wrote: [ -> ]Another UPDATE:

It now looks like they just fixed it properly.
And before I made this post, I wanted to confirm that it will still work with our little 'hack.'
Yes, it will! So make sure if you upgrade, it should be at or above v2.7.12.1

So we're good again!


works good now but i would like to know if this hack works for version 3?
Would anyone be interested in splitting costs for MailPoet premium version 3 for unlimited sites? It costs $499.

I could put in in my GB but need to know if there is enough people interested.
...And they just updated it to v2.7.13, and it looks like that's killed our little premium upgrade workaround.

Has anyone had the same issue?
And hopefully, we'll get another workaround soon.

UPDATE: Weird - it looks like it's now least for me.

The next issue - hacking MailPoet 3 in the same fashion - finding out how to unlock the premium features.
anyone got a workaround for v3? :D
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