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Full Version: [HELP] How to Download Streaming videos…
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Hello my BBHFs friends,
I was wondering if you could help with a recent problem I am experiencing due to a problem that I really cannot download videos from the VIMEO platform that are being played on a Website.

The funny thing is that when the video has the option of quality mode (ie. HD, 480, 240), I have no problem in using a software (for example “Video DowloadHelper”) to download the file properly.

The main issue, is when the video is set to “AUTO” by the author, and then just little chunches of bit information continually appears so I can never have the chance to get all the video into just One.

Really hope you can help me about how to deal with this issue and Not have to use Camtasia or such in order to records the whole d*** videos ;)

Thank you very much in advance! Happydance
~Juan Alejandro
Did you try using IDM(Internet Download Manager)? It works like a charm on Vimeo and other video sites like YT and others. Not on DailyMotion as it streams TS files.

Can you share the link that you are trying to download? I will try to download using a few tools I have and suggest you what's the best to use.
1) update your IDM to newest version!
3) There are more softwares can do its job!
Mozilla Addon NetVideoHunter
Thanks @chillichong. Added repu. +5
It is the only extension that has helped me.

Thanks for you!!!!!!!
you can also use VLC for this
just right click the page >> view source and copy the streaming file link into File >>> newtork stream on VLC and then just press record
Ant dot com (video downloader plugin for Firefox)
For fast download add "ss" infront of youtube from your video url like this.

You can use Youtube-dl with python...can get more site. Google Youtube-dl and read document
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