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“Adam Powell once again rewrites history with this inspired comic collection of frauds and fanatics.” ~ Brian Huggett, editor of People of Few Words Anthology

History’s Worst celebrates the mad, bad, and just plain mediocre. Generals more dangerous to their own side, monarchs too loony to be let out of the palace, and politicians who make you weep for democracy. There have been plenty of “best ofs,” but History’s Worst deals with the biggest butchers and buffoons from the ancient world to the bloodstained twentieth century—from the king who thought he was made of glass to the exploding dog regiment. Funny and provocative, this is the stuff you never learned in class.

a. Celebrate worst ofs not best ofs as human failure is far more amusing
b. This is the sort of history that was never taught in class,
c. Idiocy is the best form of comedy and there is an inexhaustible supply

Thanks, will read this one soon.
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