I'm trying to setup Autoblog on 1freehosting.I setup everything correct but whenever i wanted to upload plugins and themes,this comes up:
Incompatible Archive. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
This is latest wordpress 3.2.1.
Need help,if possible TUTORIAL on how to solve this problems.
your hosting not support autoblog sir
You may try this.
I found this is better than 1freehosting in some ways.
Check your archive format. I think wordpress only accept zip file
get more cool features for free!
www.1freehosting.com sucks
,they suspended my account for no reason.
(05-25-2013 10:48 PM)atto711 Wrote: [ -> ]try:
get more cool features for free!
www.1freehosting.com sucks
,they suspended my account for no reason.
still like 000webhost ?????
what are you install on 1freehosting.com? wprobot?SEO Search Term Tagging2?
(08-19-2011 07:44 PM)sango Wrote: [ -> ]I'm trying to setup Autoblog on 1freehosting.I setup everything correct but whenever i wanted to upload plugins and themes,this comes up:
Incompatible Archive. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
This is latest wordpress 3.2.1.
Need help,if possible TUTORIAL on how to solve this problems.
i had this problem many times so here is the solution:
just unzip the archive and upload via ftp and voila! this happen when the content of the zip file is located in a child folder so when you unzip you find folder,double click an other folder,double click and you find finally your archive files,,,,so when uploading directly
the plugin as zip file the files must be located in parent folder inside the zip.hope that helps.