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I want to discuss some issue I have had with a shared version of BackupBuddy.

So here is what happened, I installed a shared version of Backupbuddy, to test it I copied a couple of big Dev sites, they seemed to restore OK.

Several months passed and one of the sites was hacked by someone, it was no big deal because it was just a clone of a Dev site, but it got me thinking that it is very hard to verify every bit of code in a shared app.

So I did some testing with a few other sites, I made a backup and did a restore with Importbuddy and I got this error.

Warning: Illegal string offset 'basedir' in /home/user/ on line 581

So I checked out line 581


Now I could paste the code in my tablednd.js and ask what to edit but I would not have a clue and as the file is generated as part of running the importbuddy restore I have no way to edit it.

So I did a search on tablednd.js

and I come across this link to a site that has been hacked

The root of the site is worth a visit Hacked Site

as is this page it mentions some /Ustadcage Backd00r and shows the tablednd.js code


Now I am not accusing anyone in this forum of anything but if you wanted to get a backdoor to sites this would be a way.

I would also like to know if anyone else has had a site hacked after using a BackupBuddy shared file whether on this or other forums?

The code is here for those that are interested
[#] ./Ustadcage Backd00r [#]
Folder : /home/sliue/public_html/
Upload File :
Berkas : /home/sliue/public_html/

* TableDnD plug-in for JQuery, allows you to drag and drop table rows
* You can set up various options to control how the system will work
* Copyright (c) Denis Howlett <>
* Licensed like jQuery, see
jQuery.tableDnD = {
    /** Keep hold of the current table being dragged */
    currentTable : null,
    /** Keep hold of the current drag object if any */
    dragObject: null,
    /** The current mouse offset */
    mouseOffset: null,
    /** Remember the old value of Y so that we don't do too much processing */
    oldY: 0,

    /** Actually build the structure */
    build: function(options) {
        // Set up the defaults if any

        this.each(function() {
            // This is bound to each matching table, set up the defaults and override with user options
            this.tableDnDConfig = jQuery.extend({
                onDragStyle: null,
                onDropStyle: null,
                // Add in the default class for whileDragging
                onDragClass: "tDnD_whileDrag",
                onDrop: null,
                onDragStart: null,
                scrollAmount: 5,
                serializeRegexp: /[^\-]*$/, // The regular expression to use to trim row IDs
                serializeParamName: null, // If you want to specify another parameter name instead of the table ID
                dragHandle: null // If you give the name of a class here, then only Cells with this class will be draggable
            }, options || {});
            // Now make the rows draggable

        // Now we need to capture the mouse up and mouse move event
        // We can use bind so that we don't interfere with other event handlers
            .bind('mousemove', jQuery.tableDnD.mousemove)
            .bind('mouseup', jQuery.tableDnD.mouseup);

        // Don't break the chain
        return this;

    /** This function makes all the rows on the table draggable apart from those marked as "NoDrag" */
    makeDraggable: function(table) {
        var config = table.tableDnDConfig;
        if (table.tableDnDConfig.dragHandle) {
            // We only need to add the event to the specified cells
            var cells = jQuery("td."+table.tableDnDConfig.dragHandle, table);
            cells.each(function() {
                // The cell is bound to "this"
                jQuery(this).mousedown(function(ev) {
                    jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject = this.parentNode;
                    jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable = table;
                    jQuery.tableDnD.mouseOffset = jQuery.tableDnD.getMouseOffset(this, ev);
                    if (config.onDragStart) {
                        // Call the onDrop method if there is one
                        config.onDragStart(table, this);
                    return false;
        } else {
            // For backwards compatibility, we add the event to the whole row
            var rows = jQuery("tr", table); // get all the rows as a wrapped set
            rows.each(function() {
                // Iterate through each row, the row is bound to "this"
                var row = jQuery(this);
                if (! row.hasClass("nodrag")) {
                    row.mousedown(function(ev) {
                        if ( == "TD") {
                            jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject = this;
                            jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable = table;
                            jQuery.tableDnD.mouseOffset = jQuery.tableDnD.getMouseOffset(this, ev);
                            if (config.onDragStart) {
                                // Call the onDrop method if there is one
                                config.onDragStart(table, this);
                            return false;
                    }).css("cursor", "move"); // Store the tableDnD object

    updateTables: function() {
        this.each(function() {
            // this is now bound to each matching table
            if (this.tableDnDConfig) {

    /** Get the mouse coordinates from the event (allowing for browser differences) */
    mouseCoords: function(ev){
        if(ev.pageX || ev.pageY){
            return {x:ev.pageX, y:ev.pageY};
        return {
            x:ev.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft,
            y:ev.clientY + document.body.scrollTop  - document.body.clientTop

    /** Given a target element and a mouse event, get the mouse offset from that element.
        To do this we need the element's position and the mouse position */
    getMouseOffset: function(target, ev) {
        ev = ev || window.event;

        var docPos    = this.getPosition(target);
        var mousePos  = this.mouseCoords(ev);
        return {x:mousePos.x - docPos.x, y:mousePos.y - docPos.y};

    /** Get the position of an element by going up the DOM tree and adding up all the offsets */
    getPosition: function(e){
        var left = 0;
        var top  = 0;
        /** Safari fix -- thanks to Luis Chato for this! */
        if (e.offsetHeight == 0) {
            /** Safari 2 doesn't correctly grab the offsetTop of a table row
            this is detailed here:
            the solution is likewise noted there, grab the offset of a table cell in the row - the firstChild.
            note that firefox will return a text node as a first child, so designing a more thorough
            solution may need to take that into account, for now this seems to work in firefox, safari, ie */
            e = e.firstChild; // a table cell

        while (e.offsetParent){
            left += e.offsetLeft;
            top  += e.offsetTop;
            e     = e.offsetParent;

        left += e.offsetLeft;
        top  += e.offsetTop;

        return {x:left, y:top};

    mousemove: function(ev) {
        if (jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject == null) {

        var dragObj = jQuery(jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject);
        var config = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.tableDnDConfig;
        var mousePos = jQuery.tableDnD.mouseCoords(ev);
        var y = mousePos.y - jQuery.tableDnD.mouseOffset.y;
        //auto scroll the window
        var yOffset = window.pageYOffset;
         if (document.all) {
            // Windows version
            if (typeof document.compatMode != 'undefined' and&
                 document.compatMode != 'BackCompat') {
               yOffset = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
            else if (typeof document.body != 'undefined') {

        if (mousePos.y-yOffset < config.scrollAmount) {
            window.scrollBy(0, -config.scrollAmount);
        } else {
            var windowHeight = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight
                    : document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight;
            if (windowHeight-(mousePos.y-yOffset) < config.scrollAmount) {
                window.scrollBy(0, config.scrollAmount);

        if (y != jQuery.tableDnD.oldY) {
            // work out if we're going up or down...
            var movingDown = y > jQuery.tableDnD.oldY;
            // update the old value
            jQuery.tableDnD.oldY = y;
            // update the style to show we're dragging
            if (config.onDragClass) {
            } else {
            // If we're over a row then move the dragged row to there so that the user sees the
            // effect dynamically
            var currentRow = jQuery.tableDnD.findDropTargetRow(dragObj, y);
            if (currentRow) {
                // TODO worry about what happens when there are multiple TBODIES
                if (movingDown and& jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject != currentRow) {
                    jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject.parentNode.insertBefore(jQuery.tableDnD.dragObje​ct, currentRow.nextSibling);
                } else if (! movingDown and& jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject != currentRow) {
                    jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject.parentNode.insertBefore(jQuery.tableDnD.dragObje​ct, currentRow);

        return false;

    /** We're only worried about the y position really, because we can only move rows up and down */
    findDropTargetRow: function(draggedRow, y) {
        var rows = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.rows;
        for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
            var row = rows[i];
            var rowY    = this.getPosition(row).y;
            var rowHeight = parseInt(row.offsetHeight)/2;
            if (row.offsetHeight == 0) {
                rowY = this.getPosition(row.firstChild).y;
                rowHeight = parseInt(row.firstChild.offsetHeight)/2;
            // Because we always have to insert before, we need to offset the height a bit
            if ((y > rowY - rowHeight) and& (y < (rowY + rowHeight))) {
                // that's the row we're over
                // If it's the same as the current row, ignore it
                if (row == draggedRow) {return null;}
                var config = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.tableDnDConfig;
                if (config.onAllowDrop) {
                    if (config.onAllowDrop(draggedRow, row)) {
                        return row;
                    } else {
                        return null;
                } else {
                    // If a row has nodrop class, then don't allow dropping (inspired by John Tarr and Famic)
                    var nodrop = jQuery(row).hasClass("nodrop");
                    if (! nodrop) {
                        return row;
                    } else {
                        return null;
                return row;
        return null;

    mouseup: function(e) {
        if (jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable and& jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject) {
            var droppedRow = jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject;
            var config = jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable.tableDnDConfig;
            // If we have a dragObject, then we need to release it,
            // The row will already have been moved to the right place so we just reset stuff
            if (config.onDragClass) {
            } else {
            jQuery.tableDnD.dragObject   = null;
            if (config.onDrop) {
                // Call the onDrop method if there is one
                config.onDrop(jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable, droppedRow);
            jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable = null; // let go of the table too

    serialize: function() {
        if (jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable) {
            return jQuery.tableDnD.serializeTable(jQuery.tableDnD.currentTable);
        } else {
            return "Error: No Table id set, you need to set an id on your table and every row";

    serializeTable: function(table) {
        var result = "";
        var tableId =;
        var rows = table.rows;
        for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
            if (result.length > 0) result += "and";
            var rowId = rows[i].id;
            if (rowId and& rowId and& table.tableDnDConfig and& table.tableDnDConfig.serializeRegexp) {
                rowId = rowId.match(table.tableDnDConfig.serializeRegexp)[0];

            result += tableId + '[]=' + rowId;
        return result;

    serializeTables: function() {
        var result = "";
        this.each(function() {
            // this is now bound to each matching table
            result += jQuery.tableDnD.serializeTable(this);
        return result;


        tableDnD :,
        tableDnDUpdate : jQuery.tableDnD.updateTables,
        tableDnDSerialize: jQuery.tableDnD.serializeTables

./Ustadcage_48 Backd00R 1.0, Coded By ./Ustadcage_48 - Sumedang Cyber Team

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