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Full Version: [GET] SuperSonic List Machine
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Pages: 1 2
Same B.S. build a sucker list, spam them to death with affiliate offers, nothing new, but then again aren't most of the wso's being released these days, just new sales pages with the same products? and a Nice Big Affiliate Bonus for person who has the biggest list and no ethics. Sorry rant over....Thanks for this share and saving me money.
anyone got OTO?
Thanks +Reps Added
(02-10-2016 10:53 PM)mydream2 Wrote: [ -> ]Same B.S. build a sucker list, spam them to death with affiliate offers, nothing new, but then again aren't most of the wso's being released these days, just new sales pages with the same products? and a Nice Big Affiliate Bonus for person who has the biggest list and no ethics. Sorry rant over....Thanks for this share and saving me money.

This is a big reason why most of these guys have gone the self-hosted sales page route.

That way they won't get called out on their B.S. on their own thread and the sheeple continue to get sheared of their money.

Thank God for forums like this one. Otherwise these ass clowns will continue to get away with this crap on a much larger scale...
+max rep, thanks for the share
Thanks Prana and Originall for the mirror.
Reps for both of you.
Thanks for this, great ideas and info in this book!
Pages: 1 2
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