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Thanks Max Reps Added
(02-10-2016 02:19 PM)tzshng Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry my bad. First time upload stuff to mega.!K9gWyY6B!t-ZO2IZTa7KuECDu0zSAGA

Thanks my friend, +max reps added to you :)
Nice share but will take time.
Hi there,

I just joined this site. Wondering how I can download this? Pretty please :)

Your links in post #18 are still working! AWESOME for the long term holding this online for us.

Sent you some rep points for the efforts. Hope this is semi up to date as the course/materials looks like they could be very helpful for anyone in the Wordpress development / site building arena.


Great Share guys has there been any new training video uploaded since you uploaded this course?


Anyone has the new version just released?
Great job tzshng! Reps to you mate!
thanks for the share! Reps!
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