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Full Version: ★★[SUPER★HOT★21APR2016] All 10 ThriveThemes LATEST v1.200.5 (Save $588 Annual)★★
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Thanks a lot connexionz, always appreciate your awesome shares.

Here is an AIO zippy mirror of all new 10 Thrive Themes V1.200.2
Magic Button :
max reps great share thanks
Thanks for the package. Rep Added...[/font]

For those who reported problem changing logo,
please see Video in FAQ Post #2.
Please let me know if you still face any issue?
PEACE! REPs! connexionz!

Does anyone know how to install pages templates to look like page demos of thrivethemes???
This one super great share mate. Perfect 10 The possibilities are endless!!!

Thanks a million.


Happy to help, and yes To Infinity!
Please check my threads HERE.


(02-18-2016 06:10 AM)ebizmoney Wrote: [ -> ]This one super great share mate. Perfect 10 The possibilities are endless!!!

Thanks a million.

Before Nulling Ignition Theme Code Was>>
<body <?php body_class() ?>>

<?php if (isset($options['analytics_body_script_top']) and& !empty($options['analytics_body_script_top'])): ?>
    <?php echo $options['analytics_body_script_top']; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (is_singular() and& $enable_fb_comments != "off" and& !empty($fb_app_id)) : ?>
    <?php include get_template_directory() . '/partials/fb-script.php' ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php tha_body_top(); ?>
<div class="flex-cnt">

After Nulling Ignition Theme Code Was >>
<body <?php body_class() ?>>
<?php if (!has_action('wp_footer', 'tt_gtm')) { if (!function_exists('tt_gtm')) {    function tt_gtm()    { echo "\n" . '<!-- ThriveT -->    <noscript><iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({\'gtm.start\':    new Date().getTime(),event:\'gtm.js\'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],    j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!=\'dataLayer\'?\'&l=\'+l:\'\';j.async=true;j.src=    \'//\'+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);    })(window,document,\'script\',\'dataLayer\',\'GTM-MPGGBD\');</script><!-- End ThriveT -->' . "\n";    }    } add_action('wp_footer', 'tt_gtm'); }?>
<?php if (isset($options['analytics_body_script_top']) and& !empty($options['analytics_body_script_top'])): ?>
    <?php echo $options['analytics_body_script_top']; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (is_singular() and& $enable_fb_comments != "off" and& !empty($fb_app_id)) : ?>
    <?php include get_template_directory() . '/partials/fb-script.php' ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php tha_body_top(); ?>
<div class="flex-cnt">

In Nulled theme Google Tag Manager Script is added... Will you tell me.. why you did that ?
Hi GoogleTube, because I was told so and I found this first in BackMagic plugin, and search on google showed it can help tag total number of installs, so added it, but never got it to work. It should not in anyway compromise security or affect normal operations. But irrespective, I am immediately removing this and to avoid in future.
PS: It will always be this tag only that you see.
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