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v4.1 (18 Apr 2016)

ADDED (Major features)

Added New demo – ARES. An eCommerce oriented bundle of clean modern and classic design. See Demo.
Added Page Builder Smart Areas. You can now Load, append or prepend a Page builder section with content, either on single / multiple pages or globally into the entire website, with only few clicks; Create custom Footers; Create custom Subheaders; Add Page builder content into the “Hidden panel” above the site header. Read more.
Added new Page Layouts system. You can now override a page’s layout by overriding options from Kallyas options. Read more.
Implemented new Template Export and Import system. Portability FTW!
Added Widgets to Page builder. Now they can be added everywhere in the page.
Added new SHOP Layout – “Modern” which contains new product archive/listings layout, product page layouts, general WooCommerce pages layout;
Added new BLOG Layout – “Modern”;
Added Header style 10 – minimal, spaced and clean design
Added Header style 11 – centered Logo between Main menu navigation
Added Post Formats for Blog posts
Added – “Hide PB. element on devices” option (viewport breakpoint width)
Added – Hide PB. element option when logged-in/guest user
Added – Animation entry on scroll options for PB. elements
Added custom container width option. Stretch the website as much as you want to.
Added Skill Bars element
Added new style for “Added to cart” confirmation popup functionality

ADDED (Smaller but awesome new features)

Added Page Builder data to Post Revisions (max. 5)
Added new style for Cart component in site-header
Added new styles for Search component in site-header
Added new styles for Language selector component in site-header
Added new styles and options for Main navigation
Added new styles and options for Default SubHeader in General options
Added new breadcrumbs style in Subheader
Added header search style selector
Added button style option in contact form
Added support for Portfolio Sortable to act as gallery, by opening images as gallery only (not linking to portfolio page)
Added custom fonts upload mimes
Added font-weight definition in custom fonts
Added option to show excerpt in Latest posts 4 (default) element
Added multiple layouts for Photo Gallery element (simple, slideshow with thumbs, photo album)
Added image box title font settings
Added Button element custom color option
Added custom height option for Image Box element
Extended custom theme rebranding support
Added Custom container width option for Sections
Added options to hide specific header components on mobile
Added option to have different logo on mobile
Added “action box” layout to Smart container element
Added advanced page preloader options and animations
Added Plain text field for Contact form
Added “sold-out” badge for WC products
Added new “Save / Save and Close” UI improvements for element options panels
Added Live saving for templates and elements
Added “Support panel” posibility as triggable from main menu
Added integration with PostLove plugin
Added 5 and 6 cols for Portfolio Sortable and Portfolio categories
Added Android Chrome topbar color
Added option to open single blog images with modal popup
Added show images option to Latest posts 3 element
Added Height and 2 / 4 items for Circular content carousel elements
Added Google maps element Api Key optional field
Added custom tag option for subtitle in Title Element
Added option for bottom margin in Image Box element
Added option for date format
Added filter for heading tag in Blog archive
Added text options for Button element
Added alignment options for Custom menu element
Added filter to override logo heading tag
Added blog description to post archives
Added date picker field to contact form
Added centered icon for Separator element
Added advanced header height options
Added Portfolio Carousels columns option
Added multi-columns styling for Search Results page
Added font-size and font-family lists to WP Editor
Added functionality for clear all elements in the page
Added keywords for pagebuilder elements. Sections can also be searched by “row, block, container” or Title Element can be searched as “Headline, Heading”.
Updated Revolution slider to


General improvements and code cleanup
Improvements for Page builder – Ctrl+S / Cmd+S for PUBLISH
General improvements for Blog layouts (codebase, options, etc.)
Improved theme and element options, displaying images/pictograms
Improved SEO with Alt and Title attributes to Image tags
Allow product categories to be selected in WooCommerce archive element
Allow plugins to extend/override theme’s page builder elements
Improved Subheader overidability and customisation
Improved Deleting an element takes that was taking too long
Tweak for font-family in dynamic css to wrap in quotes
Improved sidebar grid positioning
Grid photo gallery element improvements
Optimized Blog default archive post image code
Optimized blog date across layouts/styles
Allow days from the Weather Box to be translated
Optimized some slow queries
Added recommended sizes in image-option fields description
Improved compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier plugin
Improved compatibility with Contact Form 7 plugin
Improved Bottom Masks, moved markup to components for easy overidability
Title element improvements, added letter spacing option
Added background color fill for bottom masks
Improved compatibility with both newer and older PHP versions
General improvements for Media Container element
Improvements and new options for Newsletter Box element
Improvements and new options and styles for Social media group element
Added options to override single page titles for posts and products
All widgets can now be overridden by child theme
Escape key support while element dragging
Added PHP version to Kallyas Dashboard
Contact form “send me a copy” checkbox
Added Visual editor pentru Step Box 3 element
Added transparent state while dragging options panels
Allow clients to set the reply address manually in Contact Form element
Added poster option for Iosslider embed iframe
Added poster option for Section bg embed iframe
Added poster option and embed iframe for Subheader Element
Extend Shop Product Presentation element to include extra filters
Grid photo gallery improvements (cover fit, alt attribute, gutter size)
Color contrast tweaks
Improved Header search form to WP standards
Added stroke option for Iconbox element
Prettified and restructured header styles codebase for better overidability
Added image width option for sortable portfolio images
Added image width option for grid photo gallery
Confirm modals dirrectly with enter key
Changed “back” selectors for responsive menu to allow child themes to extend it by adding a “close all” button
Added WooCommerce plugin to theme addons
Added swipe for screenshotbox carousel
Improved parallax scrolling


General fixes and improvements for performance, enancement and display;
Small fix to section’s close button in modal mode
Fixed title attribute for modal dynamic window (link target type)
Fixes for chaser menu bugs (appearing over WP admin bar’s dropdowns, appearing in IE)
Fixed extra closing div in Laptop slider (causing issues with the Page builder)
Fixed PHP notices related to caching
Fixed Posts Search (make the text inside page builder elements searchable)
Fixed page title and subtitle display
Fixed Portfolio Sortable’s Load more button problem with bigger images
Fixed Showroom carousels height issue
iOS Slider no fields for Embed videos
Photo Gallery – Loop between multiple elements
Blog post multiple columns issues
Fixed missing “configure red notice” for image box element
Fix Flickrfeed https warnings
Fixed linked button in box-model field
Embed shortcode in Textbox element
Fixed problems with Grouped products
Vertical tab not moving content fixes
Fixed error “cannot modify headers” in ShopProductsPresentation element
Fixes for Mailchimp widget
Fixed bug with Youtube Video background
Fixed iCarousel width/height cropping for custom sizes
Fixes for Header problems with empty cells
Fixes for Icarousel responsive
Fixed user notifications for “Static content Text and Register” element
Fixed twitter responsive issues
Fixed numbers of forecast days in SC – Weather panel
Accordion ID not generated properly
Fixed Iosslider video controls
Fixed height for portfolio carousels responsiveness
Fixed fancy slider responsive issues
Fixed Flexslider nav/bullets disable options
Fixed Custom menu activates all items
Fixes PHP Fatal Error
Fixed documentation styles
Fix for screenshot box not to start carousel if 1 item only
so tanks thankssmilethankssmileThanks
Thanks bro :)
Thanks for sharing, +Reps added

- Fixed search notices/warnings
- Fixed Shop Products Presentation not displaying items from Latest si Best-selling tabs
- escaped title in iosslider captions
- Images in Devices element, mobile view
- Columns in icon boxes grid, mobile view
- Notice Undefined index: title
- Some slugs in "help" type fields in general options
- Fixed position of search panel dropdown on mobile
- Fixed missing category in breadcrumb
- Fixed product main image on hover, issue with srcset
- Fixed sortable portfolio ordering issue
- Fixed Mini-cart panel culoare text button
- Fixed portfolio slider glitch on mobiles

- Allow child theme to override the default login redirect url
- Prevent server caching for zn_dynamic.css
- Contact Form - refresh page after sending a message
- Retina Favicon. In v4.0.12 we'll remove the Favicon option due to WordPress's built-in favicon system ( Customizer > Site identity > Site Icon ).
JS:Trojan.Nemucod!1.A420 [F] for
thank you very much

- Fixed WP 4.5 bug causing multiple problems (eg: responsive menu, page builder not working etc.)
- Fixed Laptop slider (having extra closing div)
- Fixed Icarousel slider's sizes
thanks man! rep+
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