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Full Version: [REQ] WP Master Clone
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Interested in seeing this software before I buy it if at all possible, looks like it could be very handy, especially the "pro" upgrade.

Thanks and regards,

SP :
Yes, It seams useful. Any advice on it ?
I'd be into this program, especially the upgrade.

If nobody is willing, could we do a GB?
bump bump bump
Bump again
Happy to do a GB. Ping me too
Ok, what is this,

TIP: Buying - how to save money with JVZoo.
I bought the pro version, I bypassed the standard version by buying it on JVZoo directly rather than from the website. Find the JV offer study the funnel, then go to JVZoo and search for the pro version, it the same price and you don't have to pay for the standard and then the pro, just buy the pro. You get 5 pc license.

Basically the pro version its a application interface to the wp clone program found here free on the wordpress site.

EDIT Basically it isn't working for me, on a small site, I can't see anything downloaded and its been over 1 hour for 25mb site.

It simply does a few tricks from the applications.
Is it worth it.

Cloning and restoring you can just use the app.

Pet annoyances already and I've used it once,

1. you can't just backup, you have to enter a destination site.
2. Because it uses the plugin you don't know the progress of the backup.
3. The backup just doesn't work
4. The interface is clunky, rather than being a wizard, its a fill out the form correctly type app.

Is it worth it in my option NO, if you can do the backup by hand or in wordpress, then your better off. Cloning is always tricky especially if the site is large like 1000mb and the site has been damaged by malware etc.
I am asking for a refund because it isn't the quality what I expected or needed, its also very slow.

Please add reps...


Hitface if you buy...
I Agree too. I bought the Pro version and the software is not working for me either. Will give it another go else will ask for the refund.
@BlackBlizzard78, thanks for your review. Max reps added!
You save me all the hassles to check it up.

BTW, I remember Pro version can backup via FTP. Have you tried it?
@BlackBlizzard78, thank you for this quick review - you save my time - rep added
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