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Full Version: [SCAM] Don't Trade With "tomkent023" He is CHEATER
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I want to buy Twitter Image Uploader. I opened a topic about that.

and send me a message from "tomkent023" look that -->

First Image

http://bit . ly/208TOaC
Please edit link
And talk about this software and he said 3 different pricing

200 $ one time fee, 80 $ monthly and 10 $ trial. He said : Send please this link and I try but this site error I can't pay...

Second Image (From Skype)

http://bit . ly/1QHLIje
Please edit link

And he said "wait please 2 hours. They will send to mail our software trial 4 hours later no come)

And 7 hours later They used my credit card .. Look this

http://bit . ly/1PIKKEf Please edit link

Last payment from me but top 3 payment not from me...

I didn't use after conversation....

I think he is scammer and cheater

F*** off "tomkent023"... God d*** you... (He has 1000+ rep point, Interesting.)
Dont be fooled by +REPUTATION here in BBHF its to easy to get 1K + REP in just 1-2 days by just sharing 1 course or by asking other members to +REP or by CREATING DUMMY ACCOUNT to be used to +REP another account...
(01-29-2016 12:41 PM)IM PORNSTAR Wrote: [ -> ]Dont be fooled by +REPUTATION here in BBHF its to easy to get 1K + REP in just 1-2 days by just sharing 1 course or by asking other members to +REP or by CREATING DUMMY ACCOUNT to be used to +REP another account...

I want to ban "tomkent023" ....
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