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Full Version: [GET][HOT LATEST] WP Social Mage Dev+Pro+Miner + Twitter Wait-n-Reply [03-Feb-2016]
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Thanks mate. Great Share. +reps
Thanks for the share, and +5 Rep given.

I note that within the OTO Bonus #1 (Wait N Reply Semi-Automated Targeted Twitter Replies) it needs a login to gain access. Do you perhaps have this?

Thank you so much. Max rep added. Thank you

One more mirror
WP Social Mage Dev v1.2.9
Magic Button :

WP Social Mage Pro v1.0.9
Magic Button :

WP Social Mage White Label v1.1.9
Magic Button :

PW as usual.

Please add rep to show your appreciation.
(01-28-2016 06:49 PM)gerardm24 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share, and +5 Rep given.

I note that within the OTO Bonus #1 (Wait N Reply Semi-Automated Targeted Twitter Replies) it needs a login to gain access. Do you perhaps have this?


Yeah...was also wondering. Thanks for the share. Rep added
Thanks +Rep added
Thanks Wholeeee BeJeezus!! "Merlin the magician" "the Cracker on fire" AKA connexionz has done it yet again. What a fantastic share and display of "cracking ingenuity". More power to you my friend. Be blessed. Repped Happydance
Perfect 10 connexionz for another great contribution Thanks and +reps added
Awesome share, mate!

I've decided to test it and I've found the Scheduled Post option in WP Social Mage Dev asks for Purchase to Pro version after all settings. So I skipped this for a while and decided to post immediately - no luck.

Have anyone tested this plugin and got positive results?
I am getting this error on making post.

Status: ErrorNetwork: (TW - Twitter)Messsage: ERROR - Manual post: Array ( [pgID] => [isPosted] => 0 [pDate] =>

TW - Twitter - Error (Check the log)

Any tutorial on making post?

rep added for the effort...
I'm sure I've set up App id and App secret correct, but I have empty API Stats in my Facebook Developer's App page, so it looks like there were no requests to make a post.
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