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Please share this, I am very interested to see how this course is, or at least give me some reviews!

Thank you!


sales page:

From: Tobias Ockermuller (a real person actually making real money with CPA)

To: Frustrated "I want to make CPA commissions" Marketer,

Face it, there are more CPA courses out there than people actually making any cash in this industry.

And while most promise a simple, repeatable system, sadly that's not always the case. Sure the methods and traffic sources taught might work for a while...

IF you can get accepted to the CPA networks (which is NOT as easy as "they" tell you)...

IF you can pick a winning offer out of the thousands out there.

And IF you've got the time, money and technical skills to set up landing pages, make videos and test campaigns for hours every day...
here is the jv page
and all you are doing is selling Tobias Ockermüller cpa invader it is no cpa network just another affiliate product
Thank you, lifebeinit, any insights about the product?

bump for this
Bump for this
(02-18-2016 10:05 PM)♕ - Queen Net - ♕ Wrote: [ -> ]Bump for this

Here you go baby,
thanks demargoo
reps added
looks like he is trying to sell more stuff from this page
looks really bad, he tries to get paid to fet affilaite links for his product, one of the worst wso I ever seen
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