09-22-2019, 03:12 AM
(03-10-2016 07:14 AM)AbeLincolnBart Wrote: [ -> ]
I agree completely with you - Edge1
It 's the quality of the information, not the quantity.
In 2003 I spent $18,000 for three 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper (I now have it in an encrypted pdf). It was the greatest purchase of my life.
It was for a timeless trading solution, absolutely HAS TO WORK because of human behavior, so it can't help but get better as people get more reactive/less cognitive.
The potential problem with it?
It would be absolutely worthless if I didn't make use of it. Yes, I have to spend/risk capital to profit with it.
Just like the great information you find on this Forum.
You have to invest time and capital to test and prove the "good" concepts you find here. It obviously is possible.
Everywhere you go on the internet you see people advertising something that they've created some sort of profitable sales funnel.
There is a reason some companies pay $3 to $5 dollars a click for thousands of clicks a day for searches on Google - because they know they can get $20 - $100 yield from them after the lead goes through their funnel.
All you have to do is keep testing on the cheap until you've got a funnel that works to the degree you want. Find out what's working and then ramp up the advertising.
You can believe me when I say making money "tilting" people with advertising (giving them exactly what they want for a price...) is a heck of a lot easier than convincing the crude oil price to go where you would like it to go....
The best plans fail because of lack of execution.
PS: This product is actually very good. It shows how you can help your audience value you (hence value your offer) by how you couch your interactions. This is what master salespeople and gurus do all the time.
(03-10-2016 05:50 AM)edge1 Wrote: [ -> ](01-22-2016 10:19 AM)noone999 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm amazed that they can charge $1450 for one video and 10 pdf files.
I would pay 10,000 for one pdf if it would be THAT GOOD! And I would be much happier with it than with hundreds of videos that just take up space and are full of unnecessary babbling.