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Full Version: [GET][HOT] 4in1 WooAffiliates - Amazon/eBay/AliExpress/Envato [crack/connexionz]
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(01-20-2016 04:11 AM)connexionz Wrote: [ -> ]
Theme Download Link: Thanks and PleaseWAIT
[still working on this]

Welcome << +REPs >> 61heart << ++PEACE >> 61heart << connexionz! >> Welcome

Thanks It's too late to say thanks "connexionz" but are really deserve more than saying it, Max Reps and %100 positive 59handshake
Hope to see also the theme that you are still working on.
Thanks a lot REP+ Perfect 10
Thanks for this awesome share! Took the poll and max Reps added!
Waiting for the theme!
PQ :)
More thanks connexionz , you are the Best!!!
thanks and rep+
and iam still waiting :)
Thanks for the crack.

You might want to know... This plugin uses WooCommerce, but because it integrates 4 affiliate marketplaces, it doesn't allow the "Add to Cart" feature (because only Amazon allows it). So in other words, if you build an Amazon-only site, you might prefer to use their Amazon Woo plugin in order to get the 90 day cookie from using your own shopping cart. This plugin will only provide direct affiliate links to the different sites.

Bottom line, you'll be building an affiliate referral site rather than a Shopify-type store with cart. I mention this because it could effect your choice of products.
Thanks alot. Voted + rep added
thank you conexionz, awesome share! +repps added
You are welcome mate!
Happy if it can be put to good use. :)
Always buy, if you earn from it,
auto-updates are far better than waiting..

(03-17-2016 02:47 AM)sahydian Wrote: [ -> ]thank you conexionz, awesome share! +repps added
Here you go Emarket Affiliate Theme:
Magic Button :
If you are not bot - just go further -->
Magic Button :
One more time and you'll get the link ;)
Magic Button :
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