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Thanks for sharing this Connexionz. Would you by any chance have the tutorial videos too? Will be much appreciated.
PHP Code:
javascript: function tech_all() {
ip document.createElement('div');
ip.innerHTML '<div%20id=\'tech_cp\'%20style=\'float:left\'><div>Auto%20Load%20<input%20type=\'number\'%20value=\'1\'%20id=\'tech_number\'%20style=\'width:25​px;\'>%20Page(s)%20and:</div><div%20id=\'sort\'><button%20id=\'tech_sortr\'%20style=\'padding:5px;margin:10px%200;\'%20onclick​=\'tech_go(0)\'>Sort%20by%20Repins</button><button%20id=\'tech_sortl\'%20style=\'padding:5px;margin:10px;\'%20onclick=\'t​ech_go(1)\'>Sort%20by%20Likes</button></div>';
var % 
20 count 0;
var % 
20 mylist = [];
var % 
20 timeout;
var % 
20 techtype 0;

function % 
20 tech_go(t) {
techtype t;

function % 
20 tech_load() {
'.Pin').each(function() {
timeout window.setTimeout(tech_load4000);
    if (
count == Number($('#tech_number').val())) {

function % 
20 finish() {
    if (
techtype == 0) {
        var % 
20 list = mylist.filter(function(f) {
            if ($(
f).find('.repinCountSmall').length 0) {
                return %
20 f;
sort(function(ab) {
            var % 
20 compA Number($(a).find('.repinCountSmall').text().trim());
            var % 
20 compB Number($(b).find('.repinCountSmall').text().trim());
            return (
compA == compB) ? : (compA compB) ? -1;
    } else {
        var % 
20 list = mylist.filter(function(f) {
            if ($(
f).find('.likeCountSmall').length 0) {
                return %
20 f;
sort(function(ab) {
            var % 
20 compA Number($(a).find('.likeCountSmall').text().trim());
            var % 
20 compB Number($(b).find('.likeCountSmall').text().trim());
            return (
compA == compB) ? : (compA compB) ? -1;
each(list, function(idxitm) {

Thanks for share
Thanks a lot to everyone who REPPED and those who hit'n'run ;)!!
As was requested, I have updated OP Post #1 with Training Video!

Welcome << REP >> 61heart << PEACE >> 61heart << connexionz! >> Welcome
Quote:Note:For those of you wondering, why I give a temporary blog on blogspot? Because there is no other way I know to share a working bookmarklet to anyone. Appreciate to please teach me if there is any other way.

Here's how:

1. In Chrome, click Bookmarks->Bookmark Manager.

2. You should see a new tab with the bookmarks and folders listed.

3. Select the "Bookmarks Tab" folder on the left.

4. Click the "Organize" link, then "Add Page" in the drop down.

5. You should see two input fields. Type the name of the bookmark you would like(i.e., PinSearch) in the first field.

6. Paste the javascript code below into the second field.
Thanks a lot mega2giga! REPs to you!
I will remove the link and add these instructions.

(01-15-2016 06:54 AM)mega2giga Wrote: [ -> ]Here's how:
1. In Chrome, click Bookmarks->Bookmark Manager.
2. You should see a new tab with the bookmarks and folders listed.
3. Select the "Bookmarks Tab" folder on the left.
4. Click the "Organize" link, then "Add Page" in the drop down.
5. You should see two input fields. Type the name of the bookmark you would like(i.e., PinSearch) in the first field.
6. Paste the javascript code below into the second field.

Thanks caliman. Can't access this link? Is it down?
(01-15-2016 07:15 AM)caliman Wrote: [ -> ]
Tomorrow I'll upload installation video to help those who cannot install this.

OP Post #1 updated with "How to Install".

How to Install? [uploaded based on request of some BBHF]

Great sharen buddy! I think for today i've seen 3 golden thing you share Connexionz.

Rep added buddy! Happydance
Thanks mate.

Here you can check all my Threads: Click HERE
Hope you find something interesting?

PS: If you are into graphics, I am sharing Lucas Adamski - WhiteBoard Madness.

(01-16-2016 02:02 AM)AnugGnas Wrote: [ -> ]Great sharen buddy! I think for today i've seen 3 golden thing you share Connexionz.
Rep added buddy! Happydance
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