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Full Version: [GET] Speaking chinese like a native speaker in 4 hours
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Natural and Interesting way to learn Chinese
Thanks for sharing. Rep ++
Cool share max reps added..
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Many thanks @jamputto

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Thanks ...
Thanks for the new coupon jamputto . . . +Reps!
Great share thanks a lot :)
Thanks.Enjoy the course.
Sorry, but this has to be the most ridiculously titled course ever. Learn how to speak chinese like a native (((in 4 hours)))!

If I moved to China and totally immersed myself in the language, maybe, just maybe, I'd speak passable chinese after 4 years. Like a native? Give me 4 decades.

I'm not saying the course isn't any good--it does seem pretty good for what it offers. But, sheesh, what a title!
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