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Full Version: [GET] This Sells Like Crazy
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In the request section of this forum, a member requested for this product.
There was a few posts suggesting what it might be. One poster said it was
I think records would have a much higher value than VHS tapes. That could be
a better product to sell. There is a resurgence of audiophiles buying turntable
record players. I'm sure there would be a market for some of the more rarer records
still in good shape.
Darn I should have turned that suggestion into a WSO. I could have made $9,739.34
Hi there!

Has someone the "9 1/2 Other Products that Sell like crazy" upgrade?

Thank you.
Thanks, was wondering what it could be after I saw the sales page a few days earlier. Came as a big surprise to find out that it is VHS tapes.
(01-12-2016 01:40 AM)NicheMarketer Wrote: [ -> ]Hi there!

Has someone the "9 1/2 Other Products that Sell like crazy" upgrade?

Thank you.
Think along the lines of:

-Black and white TVs
-Rotary telephones
-Smoke Signals
-Drums played loudly

And so on
Thank you ArnieAbrams,

Bizarre as products but it seems like the seller focus about old stuff.

I have a question for you guys:

I'm in Canada, is FBA works in Canada (for Amazon,ca) or from Canada (for Meaning this: Can I ship my products from Canada to USA (if there's no FBA in canada) in the US FBA program?

Thanks for your replies.

Records you say? Well here is a WSO by the same Dr. B
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