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Full Version: [REQ] Parallax - Shopify Theme
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Pages: 1 2
How many store can we use this theme on single purchase?
bump for this
From my understanding it doesn't matter. I bought the real "Responsive Theme" from OOTSB and it seems to have allowed multiple people I know to use it. Just upload the .zip file to shopify :D.

Bump for Parallax, need to get this as well.
Bump for this too. Need this bad, I actually have the "Responsive Theme" and have given it out to numerous people. No problems at all. Just have to upload it to Shopify with the zip file. Easy. Purchased it directly from OOTSB. Hope this helps.
Another bump! :)
Bump for this!! Need it too!
Bump for this!! Need it too!
bump from me too
Pages: 1 2
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