Man... some people in this thread no even know how to download it properly and clicked the ads instead of download link.. wtf.. it make me mad
thanks OP for sharing this!
thanks for this man! rep+
(02-15-2016 12:27 PM)pranavd2007 Wrote: [ -> ]Updated To
(02-20-2016 02:03 PM)pranavd2007 Wrote: [ -> ]Updated To
Updated Google Drive remote destination instructions.
Updated PHP maximum runtime tester to help avoid triggering PHP bug resulting in hanging process.
Update Stash destination wording when no backups are found.
Updated MO file for German translations.
Now excluding 3rd party backup plugins’ backup files and Sucuri temporary files for Stash Live by default.
Misc improvements to Stash Live logging.
Thanks for the
Thanks a lot. Max rep added.

It seems i'm the only one having password issues...
Tried to enter Default as password and it says wrong password as i extract the zip file..
Please help.