What is really interesting is that people will ask "Is this illegal?"
You are on a black hat forum in the process of stealing software, why do you care if it is illegal? The question should be "Can I get caught?" Then you are thinking like a criminal.
The "secret number" feature isn't working on my wp test site. Sad, because I think is a must in order to hide the jacked page from the referer stats, and keep our affiliate managers happy, as the presentation video says.
Quote:Secret Number:
The secret number is a 4 digit variable that you add to your WP page url (like this: /?ref=4568). You can set and edit this number in the settings menu. This secret variable will not be seen in any referrer stats. Anybody who visits your page url without the secret variable set, will see a normal WP page (not the jacked page) with the call to action bar at the top and the clickable text 'Click here to continue'. The referrer in the stats will always be the page without the secret number. The link will go to your affiliate or offer link, but this link is on purpose not cloaked (see below).
Has someone got that feature working properly?
Max rep added :)

Happy New Year. Repped. Thanks for sharing.
Do guys send paid traffic to this jacked page.?
Awesome share MAx reps added..
(01-05-2016 06:44 AM)viczo Wrote: [ -> ]The "secret number" feature isn't working on my wp test site. Sad, because I think is a must in order to hide the jacked page from the referer stats, and keep our affiliate managers happy, as the presentation video says.
Quote:Secret Number:
The secret number is a 4 digit variable that you add to your WP page url (like this: /?ref=4568). You can set and edit this number in the settings menu. This secret variable will not be seen in any referrer stats. Anybody who visits your page url without the secret variable set, will see a normal WP page (not the jacked page) with the call to action bar at the top and the clickable text 'Click here to continue'. The referrer in the stats will always be the page without the secret number. The link will go to your affiliate or offer link, but this link is on purpose not cloaked (see below).
Has someone got that feature working properly?
Yeah, I got all the features worked like charm. Even though at first try, the plugin didnt function properly. So I tried one more time with my wp plugins disabled. Worked. I have no idea why.
I think I got it right. The secret number feature do not work if you are logged into wp.
For normal visitors it works perfectly. My bad.
(01-05-2016 07:53 AM)polaskx Wrote: [ -> ]Do guys send paid traffic to this jacked page.?
I don't. But I suppose you could. Providing you don't get caught by your ad network.
One simple trick could be using a pretty link (plugin) with a white hat lander. Once your ad get approved you can edit the pretty link and insert your jacked link instead.
Try it at your own risk anyway.