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Full Version: My Greatest Case Study And Guide Yet. My Way In Giving Back Isn't TO Share More Products But To Show You How Its Done.
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Ok so I'm starting to understand what this thread is all about now.
I knew you would !!

New Update

Ok over the past few days I been going over guides and udemy courses..and also talking to a few members in PM

And I come to the conclusion that I don't need a hundred different sites when I can have one authority site which cater to my specific need to offer alot of different things.

So I been thinking alot about Branding and what I can offer that is unique and I have it almost. Still doing the prep work and still coming up with a lot of different niches I can go into that I know about.

I also been thinking about a new product that I know can be done as I have seen plenty of socialites do it. I want to Joint Venture with some one I may go and make a post about it.

The thing I recognize is that I'm chasing my tail in the wind and what I mean by that is I'm going into too many directions when I can go In one direction and see many paths.

So I decided to brand my own name. That way I can offer services while also talking about different niches. By doing that I can go into whatever as my audience would be diversified but this will let me reach a larger audience as well.

If it all comes down to what I'm planning this new Brand, authority blog, and website can bring in alot of different revenue and also open me up to new things.

I'm looking forward to it...I also been looking over all of sean d souza products esp the article and copywriting courses ...those are golden!!! I learn alot from them courses and they helping me increase my skills.

I look forward to this and Now I'm going to start a mindmap and share it when I feel like its done.

So today its more prep work to be done and more knowledge to increase. I also might just sign back up for college today to.

Don't know which way since there are a number of ways I can go into and that's the problem so now I'm wiping out all the ones I can do and keeping all the ones I should do.

Its important to do the prep work.... this is infact the best time to set your direction. Proper direction, with smart work, equals a greater distance in my mind.

I look forward to what I'm going to achieve before this month out with.
Interesting thread Teeman!
Thank you !
Nice thread treeman, I am keeping my eyes on this thread. It seems you are also suffering from information overload since it happens with everyone when one can see various directions and can head up to all of them.

Keep updating your thread as it would motivate many of our members.
You are exactly right about the information overload. I been reading and studying for the last ten years and doing very little but I have had excellent results from what I have done.

That's my goal to show how to centralize all the knowledge and streamline all of it into one source...I figure the best way to do this would be an authority site.

I hope I can motivate others.

(01-08-2016 11:19 PM)Black_Majesty Wrote: [ -> ]Nice thread treeman, I am keeping my eyes on this thread. It seems you are also suffering from information overload since it happens with everyone when one can see various directions and can head up to all of them.

Keep updating your thread as it would motivate many of our members.
Interested in this case study. Hopefully i would get to learn from it
Your going to be able to pick up something from it and that's for a fact.

Alright today I didn't get much done as my family came home and I just been enjoying there company. Its been a while and I wanted to just chill and relax as I been pouring myself to study and actually piece together this site.

I will post up my mind map. I did it with pen and paper. Don't have a very good camera right now. But I basically went with the authority type of site first.

Afterwards I sign up for cpa networks and haven't gotten accepted to not one other than market health. That was pretty easy to sign up for...the rest make you jump through alot of hoops.

One of the websites I was going to used to do ecommerce with has been transform in a lead capture system. Its only purpose it to help me build up a list within various niches. That's why I like the domain name I pick for it. I can use it to build with.

Secondly my coupon code came in from fiverr. I luck up and got a $200 dollar coupon from Bing instead of a 100 one. Now I'm really going to try out this whole ppc thing.

But my main goal is to build a list of atleast a 1000 in one list and 500 in another one.

So tomorrow after a good workout I'm going to start on building a list with cpa offers and work on my authority site.

I notice the information overload but I can help it. Learning is a passion for me. It's not something I just do its something I enjoy doing. So im going to turn that into something more. I know I can do it, just have to find the right angle.

That's all for right now.
Also going to watch this thread. Especially the Fiction/non-fiction Kindle one. Also have couple of sites not sure what to do with them, so I'll see if I can get some ideas off you. Thanks
(01-11-2016 05:22 PM)Zajko Wrote: [ -> ]Also going to watch this thread. Especially the Fiction/non-fiction Kindle one. Also have couple of sites not sure what to do with them, so I'll see if I can get some ideas off you. Thanks

i learn something from you as well.

Ok quick update.

My family in town so I'm not going to get a lot done to be honest lol their hilarious so I'm enjoying their company but I did read some great blog post about some things and I'm going to link them in my next update.

Still waiting on those ppc networks to accept me and still waiting on the landing pages. After that i'm going to start building a list in various niches...thought about leadpages as that would just be easier.

Don't know If i want that expense right now. I'll see in a minute
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