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1. Take an old fb account with activity (could be your personal account that you can verify with ID and mobile phone) -> This will be the main account.

2. Join many groups (hundreads of them) -> With a good old account with activity (like your personal account) you can join unlimited groups with 10-15 minutes delay. I had some accounts with over 600 groups.

3. Instead of buying a fb pva (phone verified account) and join few groups every day (with the risk of ban , because that account had no activity) you can do this:

The fast way:
-create new firefox profile
-buy a private proxy and put that proxy in the firefox profile (Preferences > Advanced > Network > Settings)
-login into the new pva and send a friend request to your main account (main account that is member in all that groups)
-enter your main account and accept the friend request
-now your pva and main account are friends
-facebook block/ban you if you join fast many groups with a new account but if someone invites you in many groups very fast it's not a problem (this is because you were invited and you didn't make any action)
-so, you will need to enter your main account, open the page when all your groups are listed, open in a new tab every group and invite your pva account in every group (after you open a group on the right side is a box where you type the name of the pva and invite it)
-and if you want to do this very fast i have a code that will invite your pva in all your groups, in a few seconds

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", '', false);
var homepage = xhr.responseText;
var matches = homepage.match(/<input type="hidden" name="fb_dtsg" value="(.*?)" autocomplete="off" \/>/);
var fb_dtsg = matches[1];

var user_id = "";

function add_to_group(group_id, user_id, fb_dtsg){
  //var params = "ref=group_jump_header&group_id="+group_id+"&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_group_&__user="+user_id+"&__a=1&__dyn=7nmanEyl2qm9o-t2u6aEyx97xSq78hACF3pqzQC-C26m6oKewKyQq68K5Uc-dw_UkUyF8izaQ&__req=n&fb_dtsg="+fb_dtsg+"&ttstamp=26581726677111881055710412185&__rev=1664019";
  var params = "fb_dtsg="+fb_dtsg+"&group_id="+group_id+"&source=typeahead&ref=&message_id=u_jsonp_4_4&members="+user_id+"&__user=YOUR-MAIN-ACCUNT-ID&__a=1&__dyn=7AmanEymaloBxt2u5bHaEWCueyrhEK5EKiWFaay9VCC-C26m6oDAyoS2N6y8-bxu3fzoaqxbxjy9At1qy28kxurh8WfSiVWxe6okyp8swLDz8Sm2uVAby8&__req=n&ttstamp=26581695198724572855270100&__rev=2046448";
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/ajax/groups/members/add_post.php", false);

var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("groupsRecommendedTitle");
for(var i=0;i<elements.length;i++){
  var group_id = elements[i].getAttribute('href').match(/(\d+\.?\d*)/ig)
    add_to_group(group_id, "YOUR-PVA-FB-ID", fb_dtsg);

All you need to do is:
-You will need to replace "YOUR-MAIN-ACCOUNT-ID" with your main facebook account ID.
-You will need to replace "YOUR-PVA-FB-ID" with your pva facebook ID.
-If you don't know how to find the FB ID: enter your facebook pva profile page (for example: , copy the link of the page, enter , paste the profile link of your pva and press "Find Numeric ID" button. Youd FB PVA ID will be generated. Now copy that ID and replace it into my code
-Enter your main account (with a firefox profile or your main profile)
-Click on "groups" section (the section where all your groups are listed)
-Scroll down and press "Show more groups" as many times needed to list all your groups.
-Right click anywhere on the site, and press "Inspect ellement"
-Click "Console" tab
-Click Menu > Developer > Scratchpad
-Copy my code and paste it into "Scratchpad" window
-A "sc@m Warning" will pop in "Scratchpad" window and will alert you about dangers of unknown codes executed there
-You need to type "allow pasting" and that pop will dissappear
-Delete "allow pasting" words and paste my code again
-After that press "Run" button
-You will see some text lines moving very fast in the "Console" area. This means that my code worked and now your pva account is invited into all your groups.
-Wait to finish. Now your pva account was invited in all your groups in a few seconds (no need to enter manually in every group, type the pva name etc etc)
-Personally i will wait another 2 days before extracting the groups from pva and make a list with the groups. (because some groups need admin aproval, so even if someone invites you, you will need to wait an admin to enter online and aprove your membership)

4.Now you have a pva that is member in hundreads of groups and you need to make a list with the groups from that pva. (This is needed if you use a software to post n groups)
Usually you will need to enter "Groups" section, right click on every group title, copy and paste the link into notepad. And repeat this many times.

But i have a faster way to do this:

var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("groupsRecommendedTitle");
var data;
for(var i=0;i<elements.length;i++){
  var a = elements[i].getAttribute('data-hovercard').split("id=")[1];
  data = data + ""+a+"/\r\n";

-Enter "Groups" section
-Press "Show more groups" as many times as needed to list all your groups
-Right click anywhere and press "Inspect Element"
-Click "Console" tab
-Click Menu > Developer > Scratchpad
-Copy my code and paste it into "Scratchpad"
-A "sc@m Warning" will pop in "Scratchpad" window and will alert you about dangers of unknown codes executed there
-You need to type "allow pasting" and that pop will dissappear
-Delete "allow pasting" words and paste my code again
-After that press "Run" button
-In 1-2 seconds, you will see in console tab a list will all your groups
-Now you can just copy and paste the group links into notepad to make your group list for that pva
-Sometimes if you have many groups the list will partially displayed and at the end you will see [...] Click that [...] and the rest of the list will be displayed.

Repeat this process many times and you will have a big army of facebook accounts working for you.
(With your "main account" you will invite every pva)
You can also have many "main accounts". For example: One main account with italian groups, another main account with US groups and so on.
The big difference is that the main account will never get banned because that account will never post to group. It will just invite your pvas.

TIP: Suppose you want to spam some US groups and you want to invite pva into that groups. Invite more than 1 pva into that groups. Make clones. If first pva will get banned. You will have another pva accounts with that groups ready for action. Or with first pva you will post in the morning and with the second pva you will post another link in the evening.

Usually if you do my way, you will save many many days of work. (Think how much does it takes to join hundreads of groups with every pva).

BONUS: When you spam to Facebook groups the same link you will see that Facebook will ban you very fast.
So, i have a method to avoid this:

Suppose the link of the article or the offer you post on every group is:
You can make this trick:
-On the "Prefix numbers with:" type:
-Notice that i added /?url= at the end of your link
-On "Make a list of numbers starting at" you will enter the number to start. For example: 1
-On "ending at" you will enter the number to end. For example: 100 (if you have more than 100 facebook groups to post, for example 300, you will type 300 in this section)
-Press "Generate List of Numbers" button
-You will see a list with your links created


You have just created a list with 100 different urls for the same article on your website. If you enter any /?url link you will see that you will see same content as

And now you can start to post the same article into hundreads of groups without getting banned. In first group you will post in second group you will post and so on. This will avoid your domain getting banned really fast.

(if your link ends with .html like blogger links, you will add just ?url= without "/" )
And if you post with some auto software you will copy the entire link list and insert it into your soft.
very nice method mate . . .
sounds good..thanks for sharing buddy!
I think you know more than a lot of VIP's, REP 5+
Seems good but have to say you lost me at "buy a private proxy!" Biggrin

I am sure this will come in useful for the right type of person.

(01-05-2016 04:52 AM)WorldWarrior Wrote: [ -> ]Seems good but have to say you lost me at "buy a private proxy!" Biggrin

I am sure this will come in useful for the right type of person.


This means to buy a proxy that is used only by you. (private / dedicated)
I've seen this somewhere else, i just cant remember where.
(01-05-2016 06:51 AM)villecity Wrote: [ -> ]I've seen this somewhere else, i just cant remember where.

if you seen somewhere else it was on >>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<< posted also by me :)

(01-05-2016 05:11 AM)qsuccess Wrote: [ -> ]BBHF VIP Leak:

Check the username (my username), check the date when was posted, and check the link if you want.

I this was posted in "vip" section where i don't have access, it was copied from my original post and posted on a date after my post.

I am the author of this method Happydance

I saw positive feedback on that forum where i posted first time and i decided to share with this comunity also. If someone copy-pasted my method in vip section, it's not my problem. Look at that screenshoot and you will understand
@intermenos Thanks for your explanation mate! Nice Thread Clear To You The Honor !!! +30 Rep ;-) Perfect 10 Happy New Year 2016! Happydance Happydance

(01-05-2016 08:08 AM)intermenos Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2016 06:51 AM)villecity Wrote: [ -> ]I've seen this somewhere else, i just cant remember where.

if you seen somewhere else it was on >>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<< posted also by me :)

(01-05-2016 05:11 AM)qsuccess Wrote: [ -> ]BBHF VIP Leak:

Check the username (my username), check the date when was posted, and check the link if you want.

I this was posted in "vip" section where i don't have access, it was copied from my original post and posted on a date after my post.

I am the author of this method Happydance

I saw positive feedback on that forum where i posted first time and i decided to share with this comunity also. If someone copy-pasted my method in vip section, it's not my problem. Look at that screenshoot and you will understand
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