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Great share, max reps to op.
Thanks for share :)
Thanks a lot whatsupearl!

(01-11-2016 07:15 AM)whatsupearl Wrote: [ -> ]Latest Schema - downloaded today (docs and sample data) and latest wp subscribe pro.


Anyone have the wp in post ads plugin from them.

Oh yea, I purchased and downloaded this directly.
ty mate, u d best
(01-11-2016 07:15 AM)whatsupearl Wrote: [ -> ]Latest Schema - downloaded today (docs and sample data) and latest wp subscribe pro.


Anyone have the wp in post ads plugin from them.

Oh yea, I purchased and downloaded this directly.

The Archive is Password Protected! Anybody mind to share it please!
Do you guys have video theme v1.0.8 ? Thanks :)
Can you please reup? rep+

Link's dead, Can you please reup? rep+
the link shared shown above works -
(02-04-2016 10:37 PM)ian.valley Wrote: [ -> ]the link shared shown above works -

I think the guy was looking for the OP's original share (which has a dead link), not the Schema theme. I might be wrong thou.

Great share, from the OP and whatsupearl!
please reupload as link is down
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