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Full Version: [GET] PrivateContent v5.055 – Multilevel Content Plugin
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[Image: PrivateContent-v5.051-Multilevel-Content-Plugin.jpg]

PrivateContent v5.055 is a simple and fast solution to power up your wordpress website by adding a multilevel login, private areas, user private pages and users management features. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any scripting knowledge!

Sales Page:

Download Link:
http://[Reported by Members as VIRUS SPA...l92j2bihn/
it seems you got it from nulled source. Anyway rep+ for the share. Someone can confirm if it's working fine without harm?
(12-30-2015 06:43 PM)hieu230592 Wrote: [ -> ]it seems you got it from nulled source. Anyway rep+ for the share. Someone can confirm if it's working fine without harm?

nulled source is clear!!!
PrivateContent Updated To v5.055
here is VT scan :

Quote:SHA256: 7a7688a7f57945917c097506a8d8a05620ea3dfdea5869af03e2b5afa6324a98
File name:
Detection ratio: 1 / 55
Analysis date: 2016-01-18 02:56:28 UTC ( 0 minutes ago )
Same Thing again...Do Not Download His Shares cause all his shares infected,He is nothing more than spammer of [Reported by Members as VIRUS SPAM SITEs]...
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