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Epsom Salt: Top Natural Benefits for Your Health, Body, Beauty, and Home, Best DIY Recipes and Remedies (Beginners Guide - Recipes - Everyday Uses and Benefits - Wellness -) = Kindle Edition

by James T. Anthony (Author), Edward Logan (Illustrator), Ashlen Heart (Editor)

Print Length: 40 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: GrowingGlobe (December 24, 2015)
Publication Date: December 24, 2015

Benefit Yourself Today!

Are you constantly having body aches? Do you work on your feet everyday and tired of being constantly sore? Are you into frugal life-hacks you can easily apply in your day to day life? Or are you just simply stressed out and need help relaxing?

Take a look inside this great informative book and discover how a simple and affordable household product can change your life for the better! In this simple, easy to follow guide you will learn how to get the most out of your Epsom Salts. We will cover everything from DIY remedies and recipes, to why you should use it in the first place.

Take a look at all the great value you will receive

-Learn what Epsom Salt is and why you should use it

-Discover how to use Epsom Salt to improve your health including lessening stress and boosting relaxation

-Enhance your personal beauty with exfoliates and scrubs

-Apply great household uses to benefit your home

-Many DIY recipes with easy to follow ingredients and directions

-Bonus videos to add even more value to yourself

Don't miss out on a great opportunity to really improve your current circumstance! Epsom Salt has HUGE rewards and I guarantee you will be amazed by all the applications for your life. Do yourself a favor and give your tired, aching muscles a break. Learn now inside!

FREE for a VERY LIMITED TIME from amazon, for all your devices, any kind of device you have, even some cell phones. there is an app for that!

get it here:
for all you bbhf members who never gave some +rep before, give it a try, it does not hurt at all. +rep shows the person who made the share possible, and the people who create mirrors or the people who write reviews, that their efforts are appreciated. finding this stuff takes time, and some people actually buy it, then share it here. leaving some +rep is like saying thanks, only better. join the bbhf community and give +rep to people who make the bbhf the BEST!

BONUS TIP: for those who leave +rep, here is your bonus. above you have a writer who is doing a few things right. he got other people, already on amazon to help him with his book. then he offers his new ebook for free for the first few days, in order to get some reviews and create a little buzz. you should all know that by now, and, another bonus tip is this, he has taken something old and made it new. epsom salt has always been a popular cure all for many years, your grandparents and theirs used it. plus you still can find it in most big grocery stores around the world. the writer could have listed more of the benefits, but as he says, these are the top natural benefits. in the process, creating a bit more interest. as the saying goes, good copy sells!
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