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Full Version: A Big Thanks and Merry Christmas!
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Hey to all BBHF brothers and sisters- Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and 2016 be bigger and better than we can imagine.Happydance

A big thanks to all who make this an amazing place to be!

Nameste- here's a funny to make you all smile!

Dirty Johnny climbs onto Santa's lap at the department store. Santa says, "I'll bet I know what you want for Christmas." And with his index finger he taps the boy on the nose with every letter he spells, "T-O-Y-S." The little boy answers, "No, I have enough toys." Santa tries again, tapping Johnny's nose with every letter, "C-A-N-D-Y." Again, Johnny says, "No, I have all kinds of candy." "Well, what would you like for Christmas?" Santa asks. Johnny replies, tapping Santa on the nose, "P-U-S-S-Y. And don't tell me you don't have any because I can smell it on your finger!"


Happy xmas guys!!!!! Happydance
Lol! Merry Christmas to u
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