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Full Version: [GET] 77k Links for ScrapeBox Fast Indexer
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What exactly is this list?
This is a huge list of urls that dynamically generate backlinks when your url is put inplace of "{website}", as well as a guide on exactly how I generated it.

What was the point of that? Well, now I had a list of 77k URLS that I could run through scrapebox's "Rapid Indexer", to dynamically create indexable backlinks for any site I wanted!

How can you use it? Use scrapebox's 'Rapid Indexer' Addon with the list! If you want to test if it actually works, do a batch replace of "{website}" with some "", and run scrapebox's link checker! Good luck!

[Image: picture1sfj.png]
Many thanks.
thanks alot been looking for this
willing to give this a try
seems interesting... guessing this places links on all stats websites
thanks for the share..
Thanks for sharing this
thanks for the share..
This looks very intersting...thanks!
many thank for sharing Smile
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Reference URL's