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(05-19-2016 05:53 PM)syseng Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-19-2016 12:54 PM)loganwoag Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have the latest update? 2.6.1

Quote:version: 2.6.2


Do you have latest version 2.7.3?

Do you have latest version 2.7.3?

Do you have newest version 2.7.3?

Thank you so much!
Do you have 2.7.6 version? Thanks
the latest one is 2.7.7
do you have it? Thanks
(10-30-2016 11:11 PM)serbiandevil Wrote: [ -> ]do you have it? Thanks
i have the voux v2.7.7, if somebody need it you can ask for it and i will upload

the last version is 3.0.0 the 10 december, if someone has it please share it

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