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Full Version: [Get] Directory v3.0 | Multi-purpose WordPress Theme
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[Image: Directory-v3.0-Multi-purpose-WordPress-Theme.jpg]

Change Log: Theme Directory v3.0 | Plugin Version 2.2 (14/12/2015)

1. Fixed: WPML, multilingual compatibility from wp-directory plugin
2. Fixed: On User profile , Image not uploading on defined dimension
3. Fixed: Recent review posted by ( was admin, now changed to reviewer name)
4. Fixed: directory payments double charge issue on directory ads package update from front-end
5. Improved: Security applied on post editing from front-end
6. improved: Radius search has been improved, accuracy has been improved
7. Fixed: Issue with directory listing page showing limited listing
8. Fixed: Contact information’s and opening hours now showing on ad edit page from front-end
9. Fixed: Custom class don’t work with elements
10. Fixed: Date formatting issue with blog posts : showing current date
11. Improved: Search filtration has been improved, more accuracy with multiple filter and custom fields
12. Fixed: Request detail form doesn’t include directory ad name as reference of contact
13. Fixed: Archive page showing wrong dates issue

Download Link:
http://[Reported by Members as VIRUS
thanks man! rep+
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