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thank you.
Thanks OP and fire2000. Reps added.
Awesome Share!, Many Thanks to Anton for sharing and to Fire2000 for nulling!

I received tons of affiliate emails today wanting me to buy this item, it sounded good, and I was tempted, but as mentioned by TheBrick, in an earlier post, I also got burned by the creator in the past for lots of $$$. The creator/guru does seem to have the very bad habit of taking the money and running.

Maybe, the creator/guru has learned his lesson and will make this product a long term winner.

I was serious about my Thanks to both Anton and Fire2000! I did want to test this, but I didn't want to lose 200.00 like I have in the past! I hope this post doesn't sound negative, that wasn't my intention.

Thanks everybody!

Thanks for sharing and nulling.
Thank rep +
(12-16-2015 02:55 AM)fire2000 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you so much bro..

here is Nulled version
Thank you and Rep. added to the OP too
(12-17-2015 11:28 AM)fire2000 Wrote: [ -> ]UPDATED to 1.5


- Additional global exceptions added

Thanks for the update, repped.
Thank You to the Op for the share and to Fire2000 for the quick nulling +Reps added to both.
Thank you guys. you are all awesome
(12-16-2015 02:55 AM)fire2000 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you so much bro..

here is Nulled version

Fire 2000 you rocks bro... Fastest nuller for wordpress Thanks
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