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VERY new here ... just posted my Udemy discount voucher in the right place but I can't see it yet. Is it moderated? Chris
Here is the only to see all your threads and your posts.
Click on your nick - chrisdrinkie, you will see "Find all threads - Find all posts".
There you go...
I should have said, I get the message "this thread does not exist"! er?
Sorry I should have said that I can see the post, but when I click the link I get "this thread does not exist" Do I need to have a number of posts before I can post a coupon?
Maybe someone will see this and be able answer here, but if I needed an answer on moderation I would ask a mod.. If you don't get help on this for a couple of days, PM Super Mod Lala with your question if you can PM. Not sure newbies CAN PM, but you could try! Please PM me if you were able to do this so I will know this.
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