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Please guys, don't contact me regarding this software I didn't install it, and I'm not planing to !
Many users asked for it, so I bought it for you. if you need support, buy the script from the developer and he'll help you !
(03-15-2016 06:47 PM)Luisfm Wrote: [ -> ]Not working for me :\
After the step 3 at the installation the screen stay the same it only change the button to finish instalation.
When I press it, it doesnt do anything.
when I try to access the app it just stays in the grey backgound with the green loading thing! :(
Same error I`m geting it is server isue try other provider.
If you have properly setup server vps all work perfect.
I forwarded all your issues to the developer, as soon as he answer the questions I'll post the answers on the FAQ section .
Jep to uploader I can say only that he is best man in earth, not much people updating and taking care about their scripts updates. Thanks again for share, but script is not working I tried 1.6 then 1.8, I tried in 1and1 provider it did not finalize installation, after that I tried ipage server, same issue and after that this script will gonna work on phones if you have new latest android phones with youtube apis, so this makes kinda unusable script, no one those days gone listen over computers I think after 2 years this script can be gold mine but not today.
New update 1.9 is avalible.

demoweb, working
bump for update

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