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Wow, that has to be the most amazing sales page for a WSO I have Ever seen..I was sold the moment the page loaded. Thanks for sharing such a treasure trove of copywriting and marketing insight. Repped.
(12-07-2015 02:43 AM)j3zr33l Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, that has to be the most amazing sales page for a WSO I have Ever seen..I was sold the moment the page loaded. Thanks for sharing such a treasure trove of copywriting and marketing insight. Repped.

Not sure if it's sarcasm or not.
sarcasm is pretty obvious XD thank you the share
This is re-positioned PLR. I have seen this same report before, but I can't recall the original name.

I thought that Warrior Forum did not allow PLR to be sold as a WSO, but I am obviously wrong here.
(12-07-2015 04:46 AM)twotokes Wrote: [ -> ]This is re-positioned PLR. I have seen this same report before, but I can't recall the original name.

I thought that Warrior Forum did not allow PLR to be sold as a WSO, but I am obviously wrong here.

They don't allow PLR, but they turn a blind eye to 're-positioned' PLR and I've seen plenty of it on WSOs.

Take PLR, dress it up in new clothes, write your own sales letter and Bingo, you got yourself a WSO. Just watch out for the refunds!
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