12-06-2015, 11:29 PM
1: doesn't matter unless there is going to be a language barrier
2: i beg to differ when you admited indirectly you don't know how much it will make. you even posted a scenario if you were 50% wrong in your figures. that doesn't sound like proper research to me. if you did proper research, post the FACTS through your research.
3: there should definately be 1 theme that is focused on. not scattered in different niches....but again you were VERY vauge in what people were going to be investing in. doesn't sound like you're too sure yourself. what you are saying is that your business plan requires the company to be more of a jack of all trades and a master of none rather than a master of 1. MOST people call a detist for dental work. not to book travel with if he does that on the side too.
4: 12% is NOTHING compared to the risk. this is why you are asking for investors.....because not even a bank will loan you what you need at 25%. and you're asking for people to only accept 12%? RUBISH considering the risk factor. where is your collateral if your business plan goes belly up to protect investors? if you don't have any, your percentage rate needs to increase at least TRIPLE. as of right now, you are willing to pay $600 on a 5k investment where the companies projections is in the millions after a year.
5: well we are having a discussion. that's why i personally posted. to see what the heck this investment opportunity is about. it's still vague and poorly planned. you haven't given any specific information yet and haven't supplied any hard facts through your research to support anything you are talking about.
on a side note, if you're looking for investors for an online venture, then a couple people posted here in the past willing to invest in a good business plan/model. i've seen such invetors on the warrior forum and other places too. might try to do a little more research to head hunt. if the reason you are being so vague is that you are indian and there is a language barrior in explaining things, then i think you have a serious problem. you have one bite from a fellow indian, but i doubt it will pan out because of my reasoning in my past two posts.
2: i beg to differ when you admited indirectly you don't know how much it will make. you even posted a scenario if you were 50% wrong in your figures. that doesn't sound like proper research to me. if you did proper research, post the FACTS through your research.
3: there should definately be 1 theme that is focused on. not scattered in different niches....but again you were VERY vauge in what people were going to be investing in. doesn't sound like you're too sure yourself. what you are saying is that your business plan requires the company to be more of a jack of all trades and a master of none rather than a master of 1. MOST people call a detist for dental work. not to book travel with if he does that on the side too.
4: 12% is NOTHING compared to the risk. this is why you are asking for investors.....because not even a bank will loan you what you need at 25%. and you're asking for people to only accept 12%? RUBISH considering the risk factor. where is your collateral if your business plan goes belly up to protect investors? if you don't have any, your percentage rate needs to increase at least TRIPLE. as of right now, you are willing to pay $600 on a 5k investment where the companies projections is in the millions after a year.
5: well we are having a discussion. that's why i personally posted. to see what the heck this investment opportunity is about. it's still vague and poorly planned. you haven't given any specific information yet and haven't supplied any hard facts through your research to support anything you are talking about.
on a side note, if you're looking for investors for an online venture, then a couple people posted here in the past willing to invest in a good business plan/model. i've seen such invetors on the warrior forum and other places too. might try to do a little more research to head hunt. if the reason you are being so vague is that you are indian and there is a language barrior in explaining things, then i think you have a serious problem. you have one bite from a fellow indian, but i doubt it will pan out because of my reasoning in my past two posts.
(12-06-2015 03:40 AM)Sharp_Blade Wrote: [ -> ]I understand concern of everyone.
1st. English is my Secondary Language, As i am from India.
2nd. Those figures are based on proper research, And assumptions if it was i would have said figures in lacs and millions but i calculated in thousands. And that even after reducing number of figures down at a risk factor.
3rd. As of plan is said to be mixture of more features and complications, Yes it is! And that's what i need investment for to make a perfect system with good team on the grounds. In today's market you can't rely on business with 1 goal only. A site which provide everything at one mark point is only recommended by consumers.
4th. As of ROI or interest rate is concerned: I said ----
Quote:- Within 1 Year : Investment at 12% Interest Rate Return.
- If wish to be partner : Then lifetime status on site, as partner and or investor. With Partnership share at a profit margin.
Rest to earn more a little more can be discussed in private, So please PM me your skype or drop below i will contact myself.
So i don't think i said i am static towards it, obviously until a discussion we can't make anything happen. And as investor are scared we too are scared to take money so we do all paper work possible to make things trusted on both the ends. And 12% ROI + Investment is not a bad deal within 1 year, Its atleast better then investing thousands of money in blackhat and sticking at "0".
5th. Without discussion neither i can analyze who thought what, so i can't really say anything further. I thought i will put up this deal here so i did. Anyways thanks everyone for there feedback and comment on this.
About making 1,25,000 USD/M isn't hard with a real plan. It all is matter of fact with marketing and correct market approach.
Good Day.