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Full Version: BuildPress v3.0.3 – WP Theme For Construction Business
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[Image: BuildPressa936.png]
We’ve built the best premium WordPress theme for construction businesses. IntroducingBuildPress – our most advanced theme to date. BuildPress is super simple to set up and use, and is only available on ThemeForest. The BuildPress theme allows you to create a smart website, easily, so you can focus on what’s most important – your building projects and clients.

v3.0.3 (2015-06-04)
@ improved: support for title tags and added the fallback functions
@ improved: conditional loading of js/css in wp-admin
@ improved: removed defualt value for the favicon setting in customizer
@ improved: wp-post-image is now defiend with max-width instead of width

M assets/js/admin.js
M assets/sass/components/_wp.scss
M functions.php
M header.php
M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php
M inc/filters.php



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