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Minimal Game: The No-Nonsense Guide to Getting Girls is the manual on seduction you have been waiting for! Instead of boring you with absurd theories or confusing you with contradicting advice, this book instead provides you with a solid foundation, no matter whether your goal is to become the next Don Juan or just to learn how to meet some more women.
Minimal Game is primarily written with the average guy in mind who just wants to get laid more often, and without having to rely too much on luck. This is a fairly modest goal, but it is a realistic one that is within reach for pretty much any man.

Due to his vast experience with women, and by carefully analyzing the progress of his clients, Aaron Sleazy has identified what really counts when it comes to getting girls. Therefore, this book contains zero fluff and is instead 100 % full of concrete and actionable advice.

If you don't get laid, then work through Minimal Game. However, if you already get laid regularly, then still take the advice of this manual into account, because it will teach you how to be more successful in much less time. You will not only meet a greater number of women, but women you have more in common with. As a consequence, your relationships with women, even if they only last one night, will be more fulfilling.

reup request:
This is a great book..

You need to appeal to those women who want what you offer. Make sure you can offer what the women want because they are the "choosers".

The coolest book yet on the subject of male/female dynamics - because it is the truth.

Think of this as the same process that you need to go through to get the best clients---- and you will have no trouble in IM.

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