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Do you want to improve your health and loose your weight? Are you tired of all those diets where food tastes bad? If your answer is YES this guide is the best for you. Learn all those amazing, easy to make and most of all delicious pressure cooker recipes! This book offers you 22 breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes you will adore! Why? Because those recipes will help you to reduce your weight! Don't believe? Start reading this guide NOW!

Half of the main causes of death for Americans go back to diet. Aside from being quite eye opener unto itself, it forces us to reevaluate our dietary intakes in the light of our priorities. Unfortunately, we can’t help but conclude that nutritional information doesn’t always fit into our hectic lifestyles. Yes, you have to eat and you want to live a long healthy life but you also have to pay bills, watch the children, along with a million other things, so what are you supposed to do? Naturally something, somewhere, has to give.

Luckily there is pressure cooking. A nutritional method that cooks good flavor laden food in ¼-3/4’s of the time at higher temperatures keeping and developing foods internal flavors, nutrients, and vitamins. Making it the ideal diet for healthy eating and weight loss!

Fear is paralyzing so don’t give in to the horror stories of yesteryear! The newly manufactured ones hold over 5 safety valves and mechanisms, thus, they are much safer and less intimidating then those of or parents or grandparents generation.

If you are new to pressure cooking this book covers the basic and provides brings you materials and illustrations covering everything that you need to know to get started and to successfully achieve your weight loss goals.

No long drawn out mind-numbing explanations, just brief comprehensive information for the basic tools of the trade are covered, including: Why pressure cooking works and why you should do it The differences between the pressure cookers and how to buy the one (or ones) that are best for you
And enough weight busting recipes for a month of tasty dishes and left-overs! 8 dinner recipes 7 lunch recipes 7 soup and stew recipes
Everything you need to get started is right here waiting for you! While it may seem impossible or too good to be true it is a very real reality! Healthy eating, increased energy, decreased sodium intake, equals weight loss and increased physiological and psychological health for you!

Thank you for sharing.
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