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more john maxwell stuff needs to be shared here. his stuff is a must read for many of you! you can be a leader, just read this! leaders make bank!

Developing the Leader Within You

written by John C. Maxwell

Publisher: Castle Edition/ Thomas Nelson Asia (1999)

John Maxwell's leadership skills have influenced millions all over the world. His advice is practical, motivating and visionary. this is his first leadership book, reprinted hundreds of times, that launched his multi-million dollar coaching and leadership empires.

Developing the Leader Within You is Dr. Maxwell’s first and most enduring leadership book, having sold more than one million copies, you will discover the biblical foundation for leadership that John Maxwell has used as a pastor and business leader for more than forty years. These same principles and practices are available for everyday leaders in every walk of life. It is a lofty calling to lead a group—a family, a church, a nonprofit, a business—and the timeless principles in this book will bring positive change in your life and in the lives of those around you.

You will learn:

The True Definition of Leader. “Leadership is influence. That’s it. Nothing more; nothing less.”

The Traits of Leadership. “Leadership is not an exclusive club for those who were ‘born with it.’ The traits that are the raw materials of leadership can be acquired. Link them up with desire, and nothing can keep you from becoming a leader.”

The Difference Between Management and Leadership. “Making sure the work is done by others is the accomplishment of a manager. Inspiring others to do better work is the accomplishment of a leader.”

God has called every believer to influence others, to be salt and light. Developing the Leader Within You will equip you to improve your leadership and inspire others.

you can find anything online, if you only look for it:
Magic Button :
the more +rep i get, the more i will share, very simple. sorry i have to ask, but no one leaves +rep anymore. thousands of people downloaded my shares in the last week, and i did not even get 50 +rep. you need to treat others the way you want to be treated, some people here and leeching resharers are always asking for +rep but never leave any themselves for anyone else. finding the stuff i share takes time, and i would not like to waste it for nothing. time is too valuable to waste. to be a leader, you need to act like one!
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