Thanks in advance. I need help grabbing a short 2 minute online video off a website. Tried my usual grabbers and stuff but obviously not up to the task. If someone can help me that would be great.
The video is one of the ones at
Magic Button :
If you know you can do it please pm me or reply below and I will tell you which video so we don;t get 10 of them in my pm or inbox.
(11-21-2015 06:45 PM)Romeoshine Wrote: [ -> ]haha are u kidding IDM captured it before i even start a video
Stop directing people to your site or at least ask it properly
Have no idea what you are talking's not my site it's a tv news site that one of my clients was featured on and I am trying to figure out how to grab the video so we can use it elsewhere...
Here is the title of the video I need to grab off that page...
First Ever Direct Primary Care Facility Comes To Waco
Not sure what you are talking about...the site that I need the video from is a local tv website and the video I need is a feature on one of my clients...
the exact video is
and the title of the video is titled
First Ever Direct Primary Care Facility Comes To Waco
Hey Cloneofclone! I use a combination of numerous video download add-ons for Firefox. I use VIDEO DOWNLOADER PROFESSIONAL, VIDEO DOWNLOADER and my secret weapon, VIDEO DOWNLOAD HELPER. That last one usually manages to grab videos that the other two donĀ“t so maybe it would be worth a try if you dont get it with any of the tools mentioned before. bye Zeitgeist!