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Amazon FBA: Top 13 Products That Will Help You Make an Income of Over $70,000 in One Year (Amazon FBA Books, amazon fba business, amazon fba complete guide) Kindle Edition

written by Craig Brock

Publication Date: September 28, 2015

Telling someone you make $10,000 a month part time certainly sounds like a massive scam. It's crazy but many people have been doing it by using the Fulfillment by Amazon system to their own advantage. Since you're here you're obviously familiar with amazon but did you know that many items sold through Amazon actually come from third party sellers? FBA allows you to harness the well known name of Amazon to sell your products without having the overhead or advertising needs that a company so big would involve.

Many people are looking into second income these days, even if it's about making ends meet everyone could use more money and free time. The goal of FBA is to give you just that, your time is better spent not shipping and dealing with customers which is why you're looking at FBA. Wouldn't you like a vacation , new car, second home even? Having FBA alongside your regular job can give you those things as a successful seller but you might find your time is better spent and leave your day job like many others are doing to FBA full time.

The biggest thing for many people is finding the right niche or product to make sure people keep coming back and buying more from you. The right product and the right description is what will do your selling for you even if you're not selling a necessity. You're probably in the research stage so we're going to give you some information and a plan to get you up and selling as well as a few thing that people are making money using FBA right now.

Here is what you will learn after reading this book:
What is FBA?
What are the risks?
How to sell your products?
What sells?
Where to find inventory?

Getting Your FREE Bonus

Download this book, and find "BONUS: Your FREE Gift" chapter right after the introduction or after the conclusion.

Download your copy of "Amazon FBA" by scrolling down and clicking "[+1] ADD REPUTATION" button.

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Book not worth your time. Check reviews from amazon

one star
This book suggests selling batteries, board games sourced at thrift stores, as well as tape and ice cube trays, as a way to make $70,000 a year as an FBA seller. That's a lot of ice cube trays.

three stars
This short eBook offered some useful basic tips and reasonable advice. However, it was extremely difficult to endure the poor sentence structures, grammatical and spelling errors, and over-all disorganization.
I'm very happy this eBook was offered for free. Had I paid for it, the limited knowledge I gleaned would not have warranted the three stars I generously awarded this "book."

two stars
Blah. 13 products that you can sell but those 13 products don't even merit their own paragraph. This book blows. 70k? Figured just apparently pulled out of thin air as our author doesn't tell us how he came up with that number. 2 stars

one star
Pure can find better info on YouTube. This person clearly wrote this from available info and you can tell the author had no experience doing what was written...not to mention the writing stank too.
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