I've had a couple of mails about this - it's launching to-day. It's by Venkata and others but hard to get much info from the SP! Push Button? I wonder...
Anyone heard anything about it?
Declan Mc sent an email with review video bump here
Just got another mail about this with a bit more info. The quotes are from the email, not my words!
"The website he is using basically has three phases - 1. subscription. 2. Revshare 3. solo. He is using just 2 phases that's subscription and revshare. In subscription he puts initial amount say $10 and in few hours he gets income through revshare.
The minimum initial amount you need is $10. And when you put that amount, you will see "hourly payout" chart, which says when you put $3, you get hourly payout of $0.05. And daily payout of $1.20. So, you get small income if you put $3. The more you put, the more you get. But, in my opinion I would say always start with slow and never put more than $50. Once you make some income put that back and scale up."
Do any of these 'lazy' methods actually work...?
(11-17-2015 12:06 AM)mansea1 Wrote: [ -> ]Just got another mail about this with a bit more info. The quotes are from the email, not my words!
"The website he is using basically has three phases - 1. subscription. 2. Revshare 3. solo. He is using just 2 phases that's subscription and revshare. In subscription he puts initial amount say $10 and in few hours he gets income through revshare.
The minimum initial amount you need is $10. And when you put that amount, you will see "hourly payout" chart, which says when you put $3, you get hourly payout of $0.05. And daily payout of $1.20. So, you get small income if you put $3. The more you put, the more you get. But, in my opinion I would say always start with slow and never put more than $50. Once you make some income put that back and scale up."
Do any of these 'lazy' methods actually work...?
Ay, DO they EVER work? , well usually not, 'eh.
One gal invested 50 bucks, didn't say what she made in 2 days.
But... but ..., we hold hope, maybe this is the one.
How long will it last, sustainable ? interested to find out, enough I guess, to jot this quickie.
Here's an extract from a second email telling me this thing is now live!
1. It's really great course for people who don't want to work hard at all.
2. You can make $20-30 days in starting. My friend is making $80-100/day.
3. Last month he made $2.8k, so this seems working.
4. 30-60mnutes per day is more than enough.
5. Here is my advice - please don't put more than $20-50 in starting. Start with $10 and once you start making some income, scale up by putting your income back in this method."
Will keep an eye out for any more mails...!
Plus'd you on the email updates, good stuff.
The OTO is video instruction I hear... not sure of cost.
One of the sales pages video testimonial fellows has a FB page with his earnings in a post there.
3rd. one down from top.
Be nice to see if a minimum of a 10 dollar investment makes a dollar or 2 a day.
The site they use is 10 dollars a month on top of the seed money, not confirmed this yet, something to look into to.
Bump for this! wanna see the hype! ;-)
Hi all,
I got it ... and kinda regret it ... :)
But since so many asked for it, here is it!
Will be trying it out and see if it works...
Reps please? :D