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Few weeks ago, I discovered this blog:

It's about copywriting. And more precisely analyzing copy in newspapers, magazines etc... to help us understand what a good ad copy, sales page or headlines should be.

In it you will find a lot of PDF to download, more than 150 to be exact (from 1 page PDF to 24 pages).

I downloaded all of them and put them into one big file.

Magic Button :

Excellent Share! Repped!
Sweet find. Thank you.
Thanks man.

One mirror:
Thank you. Reps added.
Thank you. Reps added.
Thanks for taking the time to grab all of these and share them in a single download.

Sure saves a lot of time.

Some real gems in this, so if you are into copywriting, you will want to have a look at these for reference and swipe material.

Reps Added.

Many years later and still works! max reps added.
Thanks for the share. Max repped
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