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For years, fad diets and infomercials have overwhelmed you with unrealistic-and often unsafe-methods for losing belly fat quickly. It's time to know the truth. Avoiding hidden sugars-not calories-is the true key to weight loss. Combining this discovery with the burn-boosting power of the Ultimate Carb Swap, you will lose up to 14 lbs. in the first 14 days. This doctor-approved, science-based solution includes yummy foods such as cookies, pancakes, burgers, and even wine. This revised edition of the book is updated with a completely new chapter-Simply Fit, with Belly-Burning Workouts. So if you are ready to cure belly fat super fast with foods you already have in your kitchen, dig in!

Although, I'm in no need of this book, still MAX REPS to OP. But here's what I did to shrink my belly fat dramatically. It was not an overnight success, but effective, safe, free, and involves a bit of discipline. Yes, discipline and I said a bit because it was easy for me, it maybe different for yours.

1. Avoid sugary drinks and foods particularly those foods that are highly processed and contain refined carbs and refined sugars.

2. Eat vegetables particularly fresh ones, or salads. Choose greens and if you can juice them, but don't just drink juice, you have to eat the vegetables because you get more fiber from it and other nutrients stripped when juicing. So, juice for faster absorption, but also eat whole veggies.

3. In replacement for sweets, eat whole fruits. You can also juice them, but just as vegetables, eat them as well.

4. Minimize stress level. We can't avoid this but we can minimize by practicing how to handle it when it comes. Usually, doing relaxation, stretching, and having enough rest every night are helpful when it comes to stress management.

5. Exercise, but don't freak out too much doing exercise if you're fat with ugly bulging belly fat. You're overweight and if you exercise too much, you'll just end up in pain and frustration. If you're obese right now, I would say based on my experience, focus more on eating right, and once you started losing weight and fee lighter, start doing some light exercise. You don't need hours of exercise as many gurus recommend. It's on the diet that lies the secret.

6. Drink water...plenty of it, but not too much. I can't say the exact amount because everyone is different and in different location. But, during a hot summer days, even if you're not thirsty, drink more often a little water.

7. Intermittent fasting... do this once a week while trying to lose that belly fat. But don't do this until you start eating right. After a week of eating more veggies and vegetables, it's a good start to begin intermittent fasting.

8. Observe yourself. This is simply taking inventory of yourself how you're doing. When you fail the first attempt, remember it's not failure. It's just something is not done right. Take a look at what you've done. Perhaps, you need to cut back more refined sugars and carbs. The key is always to try again and keep looking the means that resonates you for your success.

9. Watch success stories of weight loss, but you don't necessarily do what they did because most of these online success weight loss stories are promotional. The purpose is to keep motivation very high while maintaining your own way of achieving weight loss.

I guess there's #10, but that's what I can think of... that have helped me during my weight loss journey back in 2012. Right now, minimal exercise with almost visible six pack while maintaining right eating habits.
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