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Full Version: [GET] Amazon Christmas Cash 2015
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[Image: main1.jpg]

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Magic Button :
Thanks for the share, rep added
Awesome share, thanks! max. rep given
Thanks to the OP for the share. Just got an email hawking this, and knew it would be here already!
yeah ok...this makes perfect sense. I guess these Einsteins didn't get the memo that amazon pays commissions in arrears. Which means you would have to go back in time and make money before october 31 to even get money before christmas. I don't know who is dumber...the morons who buy this crap or the brain surgeons who suckered them out of their money.
Awesome share, thanks! max. rep given.
thanks rep given
You ROCK SMP1225!!

Max +++++reps to you. Thank you.
(11-12-2015 06:52 AM)hollyshelly Wrote: [ -> ]yeah ok...this makes perfect sense. I guess these Einsteins didn't get the memo that amazon pays commissions in arrears. Which means you would have to go back in time and make money before october 31 to even get money before christmas. I don't know who is dumber...the morons who buy this crap or the brain surgeons who suckered them out of their money.

You do realize this is about how to take advantage of the Christmas rush to make sales and not necessarily about getting money by Christmas?
Thanks for the share. Max reps.
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